Love as a way of being is to ask what would love do? Love has no bounds or conditions. It is our natural way and so the work is to unlearn how we learnt to not love who we are and to want life to be any other way than it is.

Deal with uncertainty • Cultivate conversations of love
Choose a self study program and then become eligible to be in conversation
Reflections for Everyday Living
Listen. Journal. Reflect.
21 Short reflection prompts to guide you to relax and go inside.
Love self-study programs:
All Love Lessons include access to the B Community - an online space for self study, reflection and being in conversation.

Loving Conversations
Soulful one-on-one conversations are available to current and past community members who have or are self studying, joining live group sessions or attending face-to-face programs.
We are all familiar with those moments when the soul calls to us. It can call as a longing, a soul ache, a deep desire to be heard, a quest for something deeper. In those moments where do you turn to? This is one place for you to come to when and if you feel moved to be in conversation. These conversations are not to fix you or judge you, rather this is a space for you to allow yourself to relax and freely express yourself.