A way to bridge the gap from making do to clarifying the changes you seek
For empathetic professionals and creatives
focussing on their goals & personal development
A program that helps you clarify what is missing and what you want
so that you can re-evaluate your relationships.
Short digestible self study lessons with optional live online
conversations to keep you accountable to yourself.
With the data you gather, you clarify the change you want to make.
A process you can use as a self coaching tool.
It is easy and very common to get into habitual ways of relating with yourself, with others and with everything more generally. What is harder to develop are ways to relate authentically to keep your relationship feeling fresh and renewed.
You may have clarity about the relationships you value and want to invest more in. You may have clarity on relationships you want to change and/or say goodbye to. What you may be less clear on is cost to you when you don't make the changes you long for.
You may appreciate getting a reality check on how you relate more generally with everything. You may not be un-clear about how to do that. ​
At key transitional points in relationships, many seek guidance.
For now it can be resourceful taking time to re-evaluate your current relationships, identify what is missing, to gain clarity on what you want and need as you navigate this stage in your life.

This program will help you in resolving:
The frustration you experience about not feeling supported
Your desire to learn ways to make relationships easier
Uncertainty of how to make changes to relationships you have​

Through this program you’ll be able to:
Identify the relationships you value most
Gain clarity on systems you want & need to support you
Clarify areas of personal development to focus on


Short self study lessons + reflections to work through
PDF workbook to record your insights and reflections
Signpost to additional resources for areas of interest
Optional extra - Join Group Accountability Conversationi
Optional extra - 1:1 Now What Conversation for those seeking clarity

If you are curious to explore the relationships you have and clarify what may be missing

If you are wondering how to create systems to better support yourself

If you are self motivated and are already doing personal development work
Getting started: Overview + Introduction
Lesson One - Uncover your rules of relating
Lesson Two - Review your relationships
Lesson Three - Explore the nature of relationships
Lesson Four - Ways to relate more easily
Now what? Signposting to additional resources to further your studies and deepen your reflections
Approx. listening/watching time for the program is 1.5 hours. Move at your own pace for the additional time it will take to complete the reflection activities.

The B Community is an online space for those who are intentionally developing on purpose.
Self study + reflection + Being in conversation = Developing on purpose
When you invest in this program you become part of a community where other members are (quietly!) studying and reflecting too.
Developing wherever you go - As a member you simply download the app to listen to the lessons on the go on your mobile device or watch from the comfort of your couch giving you a break from your computer screen.

Have loved creating this program as way to help you get a reality check on your current relationships (not just with people) and gain clarity on what you want and need as you navigate your day to day living.​​
Would love you to join me as a way to discover the nature of You.
Eimer Boyle
Development Guide & Program Creator