For those seeking clarity on the right development
This live group conversational program will guide you through a process to look more holistically at your life and gain clarity on what is the right developmental focus for you for now. A place to explore what is development and what is beyond development.
Now What? For You will support you in resolving:
The frustration you may be feeling if you are reading a lot of books and listening to podcasts which you love and yet you notice that nothing much is changing on the inside
Your desire to have a personalised development plan that works for you because even though you are involved in group training/networks these sessions tend to be quite general rather than specifically relevant to you.
Finding one thing to commit to rather than doing lots of different development things
You desire to find others to connect with who are also developing
How to fit development into your life considering all that you are juggling
How to develop yourself, even though you have no desire to be a coach because you just want to be yourself and live your own life.
Through our work together, you'll be able to:
Have a better understanding of where to focus your development efforts
Have a better understanding of what development is
Find ways to fit personal development into your busy life
Learn how to see what may be holding you back
Create a development plan for yourself
Have a roadmap for development and beyond
Hear from others, who are doing development and struggling like you
Be better able to support others (your team, your clients) in their development
"Stop acting so small.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion"
What is the format?
Two conversations over two weeks. Conversations on zoom with cameras on. Session one has time for teaching and discussion. Session two is reflection and review.
Conversation 1:
During the 1.5 hours there will be teaching, self-reflection exercises and discussion time to reflect on your life more holistically to gain clarity on what is the inner work to commit to for now, for you. Home play: Self-reflection exercise will be offered to you.
Conversation 2 :
An open dialogue session to reflect and share what has come up for you and to consider now what for you.
In the group conversation live on zoom, participants will be sharing their perspective and you will be asked to share yours. Given the small numbers on the call we go deep quickly and emotions can often arise. Are you ok with sharing at this level? Open to hearing others perspectives? Open to receiving feedback and being challenged in service of your development by the facilitator? Do you accept that confidentiality applies in a setting like this? Are you OK to have your camera on?
You have completed the Activate Me, Explore Me & Relational You programs
You are ready to look at yourself at a more intimate level
You are open to engage in direct and deep conversation
You are already developing on purpose and this seems aligned with other work you are doing.
If you want to have a conversation about development where you can ask questions and hear others share their perspective
You are seeking clarity on what to deeply commit to as you know it is time
You don't have a roadmap for development and beyond
How to know if this is a good fit for you:
You will receive:
2 Live conversations on Zoom (90 & 60 minutes each)
PDF reflection prompters for journalling
$ 250 AUD (plus GST)
Ready to take the next step?
Fill in the application form
Have a questions about the program?
Book a clarity call