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For people wanting to be authentic 

This live group conversational program will guide you through a process to get a clear understanding of how self identity works to support you in realising who you are and who you are not, so that you can be more authentic in all contexts of your life

Explore Me will support you in resolving:


  • The desire you may have to know more about yourself, even though now you aren't quite sure how to do that 

  • Your wondering as to why you can be a completely different person at home compared to when you are at work, or socially with your peers

  • The exhaustion you may be experiencing as you are tired challenging yourself to be the best person you can be

  • The confusion you may have as to why you rarely share what is really going inside you, as you notice that you often don't even know how to put it into words.

  • Why you still feel like something is missing, even though you are doing a lot of personal development work 

  • The day to day reality that no matter how hard you try, there is always that nagging voice saying you are not good enough

  • The confusion you may have as you listen to podcasts or read about finding yourself, and although curious to know more, you don't even know what that means

  • The questions you may have about why you are so concerned about what others think about you

Through our work together, you'll be able to:

  • Learn how to relax more and be ok with yourself as you are

  • Understand how to become less concerned about what others think of you

  • Understand why you find it hard to say what you really think and learn ways to practice so that you can more easily express yourself

  • Keep developing in a way that you don’t feel that you have to push yourself to the limit 

  • Find ways to open up more easily to others

  • Know yourself at a deeper level

  • Understand how to make life simpler for yourself

Mountain Range

"To contact the deeper truth of who we are,

we must engage in some activity or practice

that questions what we assume to be true about ourselves."



What is the format?

Two conversations over two weeks. Conversations on zoom with cameras on.  Session one has time for teaching and discussion. Session two is reflection and review.  


Conversation 1:   

During the 1.5 hours there will be teaching, self-reflection exercises and discussion time to consider what you currently belief and think about yourself and to explore the topic of self identity. A space to get some clarity on what seems to be missing for you, how to get to know the real you and how to express authentically. Home play: Self-reflection exercise will be offered to you. 


Conversation 2 : 

An open dialogue session to reflect and share what has come up for you and to consider now what for you.


In the group conversation live on zoom, participants will be sharing their perspective and you will be asked to share yours.  Given the small numbers on the call we go deep quickly and emotions can often arise.  Are you ok with sharing at this level? Open to hearing others perspectives? Open to receiving feedback and being challenged in service of your development by the facilitator? Do you accept that confidentiality applies in a setting like this? Are you OK to have your camera on?

  • You have completed the Activate Me program

  • You are ready to look at yourself at a more intimate level 

  • You are open to engage in direct and deep conversation

  • You are already developing on purpose and this seems aligned with other work you are doing

  • You know there is more to you than who you are now

How to know if this is a good fit for you:

You will receive:

  • 2 Live conversations on Zoom (90 & 60 minutes each)

  • PDF reflection prompters for journalling 



$ 250 AUD (plus GST)


Convert to your currency here

Ready to take the next step?


Fill in the application form 

Have a questions about the program?


Book a clarity call

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